When making online purchases using a credit card, you always need to type in your credit card number. But you might not have any idea if the credit card number and the account number are the same. Do you know how to find your credit card account number?
Your credit card account number is located on the front of your credit card. Typically, it contains 16 digits, but it may be anywhere between 12 to 19 digits. These digits are embossed across the front of your card and usually have larger fonts than the rest of the details found in your credit card.
Read on to learn more about your credit card account number and how to find it.
Are Credit Card Numbers and Credit Card Account Numbers the Same?

The credit card account number is located on the front of the credit card. It usually contains 16 digits, but it may be anywhere between 12 to 19 digits. These digits are embossed across the front of your card and usually have larger fonts than the rest of the details found in your credit card.
“Is my credit card number my account number?” If you are a credit cardholder, you have probably asked that question at least once in your life. But is the account number on a credit card called the credit card account number, or is it simply a credit card number? Are they the same?
So, here’s the fact. The account number for a credit card does not exist. Credit cards are not assigned any account number. The digits you see on the front of your credit card are collectively called the credit card number. It is the number you use to make purchases. That’s the same number you provide to your bank if you need to get in touch with them for inquiries or requests.
Account numbers are provided if you have an existing account with a bank. This is why debit cards have corresponding account numbers. They are directly linked to bank accounts. So, if you use your debit card to buy an item, there will be an automatic deduction from your bank account.
This is not the case when it comes to credit cards. With this type of card, you get to buy products and services by borrowing funds from a credit card company, a bank, or a financial institution. You will be billed for those products and services and be asked to pay at a later date.
So, the next time you are asked to provide your credit card account number, it is literally the same as your credit card number. They are the same.
How to Find Your Credit Card Account Number

It is easy to find your credit card number as it is printed on the front of your credit card. Keep your card in a safe place at all times. Never lose it because it is the most convenient way to find your credit card number.
In case you misplace your card, there are alternative ways of getting it. However, it is not as convenient as simply getting the details from your card. You are lucky if your complete credit card number is indicated in your billing statement. But this is not the case all the time. Normally, only the last 4 digits of your credit card number are indicated in billing statements.
Even if you log in to your credit card provider portal, they will only show you the last 4 digits. This is to protect you and the credit card provider from identity and data theft.
So, to get your credit card number, you have to contact your provider. But, of course, you will be subject to a series of questions before they provide you the details. The bottom line is, don’t misplace or lose your credit card to avoid inconveniences.
Credit card providers have different approaches to allowing their cardholders to access credit card account numbers if the physical cards are not with them. Let’s discuss how Capital One and JPMorgan Chase & Co do this.
Capital One Credit Card Account Number
Credit card providers prefer only to show the last four digits of your credit card number in many instances. This is for both your billing statement and your online access to your credit card account.
However, there are credit card providers that allow you to view your complete credit card details online. One of these providers is Capital One. When you log in to their portal, you will be able to view not only your Capital One credit card account number. But you will also be able to view your credit card’s expiration date and the CVV code.
Having online access to these details will allow you to make online purchases conveniently. You don’t have to pull out your physical credit card from your purse or your wallet anymore. It definitely lowers the risk of a misplaced credit card.
You might think that having online access to your credit card details poses some risk. Of course, the last thing you would want to experience is to become a victim of hacking or identity theft.
Capital One has considered all these. They require you to use its 2-factor authentication feature. That way, you can only view your credit card details once you enter a one-time password (OTP), which you will receive either via text message or via email.
Chase Credit Card Account Number
JPMorgan Chase & Co. uses the Chase brand specifically for its credit card services. JPMorgan allows its cardholders to access the Chase credit card account number differently from Capital One’s approach.
With Chase, you will need to contact its customer support to get your complete credit card account number. This may not be as convenient as the approach practiced by Capital One. Nonetheless, it lessens the risk of identity and data theft.
Other Credit Card Providers
There are many other credit card providers in the United States, such as Discover and Citi. If you want to research more about data privacy, you may check out how they allow their cardholders to access information.
It is always best to have due diligence in order to protect yourself from this type of risk.
Debit Cards
We have briefly mentioned debit cards earlier. Let’s further explain it to avoid confusion, especially if it is your first time becoming a credit cardholder.
You have probably seen credit cards with a credit card number and an account number. They are not credit cards. But instead, they are debit cards. It is one of the many differences between these two types of cards.
A plastic card with a card number, name, and expiry date doesn’t necessarily mean a credit card. If there are two sets of “account numbers” (one is the debit card number), always remember that it is a debit card. Note that the other set of numbers is the account number.
Does Any Part of the Credit Card Number Contain the Account Number?

The credit card number typically has 12 to 19 digits. Learning about how credit card providers assign credit card numbers is, in fact, quite interesting. However, knowing it doesn’t have any use for you regarding account inquiries or any other transactions. Nobody will ask you about it anyway.
First Six Digits
Bank Identification Number or BIN refers to the first 6 digits that form part of your credit card number. The international payment standard requires that the credit card providers include these digits.
The first digit refers to the issuer. For instance, if you have a Mastercard, your credit card number starts with a 5. If your credit card number starts with a 4, then you have a Visa card. Whereas, if it starts with a 3, it then means that you have an American Express card.
The Next Set of Digits
The next 10 to 13 digits refer to the account number specifically assigned to you by your credit card provider. It is unique and, therefore, doesn’t match anyone else’s account number.
In case you need to replace your credit card, you can’t have the same account number. Instead, your credit card provider will assign another set of numbers for you.
Earlier, I mentioned that account numbers in credit cards do not exist. But now, I have just mentioned that, in fact, they do exist. Let me clarify this one.
Credit card providers indeed assign unique account numbers for each of their clients. But no merchant will ever ask you to provide your last 10 or 13 digits to complete a transaction. Merchants will always ask for your complete credit card number, which includes the first 6 digits.
That’s why if merchants ask for your credit card account number, it is understood that they are asking for your complete credit card number.
The Convenience Brought About by Credit Cards
There is no denying that the credit card is a financial product that offers the utmost convenience to consumers. You can use it for daily purchases such as groceries, gas, and other products and services. But more than anything else, it is specifically important during emergencies.
Among the many benefits of using a credit card are the following:
- Not linked to your savings or checking accounts
- Increases your purchasing power
- Does not have foreign transaction fees
- Has free credit score information
- Protects you from credit card fraud
- Allows you to earn reward points
- It allows building a strong credit history
Credit Cards and Loans
When you use your credit card, it is important to remember how it works. It primarily serves as a loan which, of course, needs to be paid back.
The type of loan has an annual percentage rate or APR. It is the rate you have to pay once interest charges accrue by the terms of the credit card agreement.
Many factors determine the APR. Among these are the type of credit card, your payment history, and your creditworthiness. This means that if you have a strong credit history, you will most likely have a lower rate than those with a weak or no credit history.
Conclusion – How to Find Your Credit Card Account Number
The credit card account number is typically located on the front of the credit card. It usually consists of 16 digits. However, it may also be anywhere between 12 to 19 digits. These digits are embossed across the front of your card. In most cases, they have larger fonts than the rest of the details found on your credit card.
Aside from the physical card, there are other ways of knowing your credit card account number. It may be indicated in your billing statement, or you can have online access to it. However, this is not the case all the time. There are credit card providers that only allow you to know this by calling their customer support.
Apparently, credit card providers have different ways of allowing access to credit card account numbers. You may find that some providers offer a more convenient approach than others. But whichever way it is, we know that data protection is the top priority of all these providers.
When it comes to the difference between credit card account numbers and credit card numbers, you can always consider them the same. Technically speaking, the last 10 to 13 digits of your complete credit card number are your account number. But no merchant will ever ask for it.
You will always be asked for your complete 12- to 19-digit credit card number in any transaction. These will always be the digits found on the front of your physical credit card.