Knowing your loan account number is very important in keeping up with your loan payments. To avoid penalties, you need to pay on time. In this article, I’ll discuss the auto loan account number and how to find it.
You can get your auto loan account number by contacting the bank where you applied for a loan. This is the traditional way of knowing your car loan application number. The bank should have a customer care department that will handle your inquiry. They’ll also inform you about your car loan’s status.
If you are already giving regular payments to your car loan and want to know your auto loan account number, look at your monthly statements from the bank that approved the loan. Your LAN will be printed there somewhere.
Read on to learn more about auto loan account numbers, the many ways you can find them, and why you must know them.
Auto Loan Account Number

Get in Touch With the Bank
How do I find my auto loan account number? It’s not that difficult to find your auto loan account number. If you contact the bank where you have applied for the loan, they will give you that information. They should have a customer care department to update you on your loan application status.
Refer to the Monthly Statements
If you are already giving the bank or the financial company your monthly payments, you can refer to their monthly statements. Your car loan account number should be printed somewhere in those statements.
Visit the Bank’s Official Website
If you still cannot find it there, you can visit the bank’s official website. They should have a chat room to give your car loan account number. Perhaps, the chat person can’t give it right away, but they will lead you to someone who has that specific information.
Apart from the said methods, you can also get your auto loan account number using other means. That’s what I will discuss with you in this article. There are many ways, don’t worry. You will be able to get your auto loan account number.
What Is a Loan Account Number?
A Number Given by the Loan Provider
A loan account number is a number that your loan provider has assigned to your account. They issued you this number when you applied for a car loan. It is a unique string of numbers of about ten digits or more. Every loan application is given a loan account number to distinguish it from other loans that the financial institution is processing.
Identifiers Distinguish the Loan from Other Loans
When applying for a car loan, the loan provider will create two identifiers that distinguish it from the other loans they manage. These two identifiers are:
- The overall account number of the individual
- The loan number of that particular loan that that individual has applied for
Unique Account Number
The overall account number is your unique account number with the bank or the financial institution. It is the number that is indicated in your account profile. The specific loan number is not stated in your account profile.
Indicated in the Monthly Statements
Where do I find my car loan account number? If your loan is approved, it will be indicated in your monthly statements, together with your overall account number. An example of an auto loan account could be like this: 1234567890-1. It could also be like 4817512-1234.
In other words, if you have applied for a car loan with your bank and they approved your loan, you will have two account identifiers for that particular loan. You already know your bank account number. What you need to remember is your auto loan account number. It is different from your bank account number.
How to Find Your Auto Loan Account Number

You will be able to find your car loan account number for sure because there are many ways to do it. If you can’t get it with one method, you will surely get it with another.
Here are some of the ways you can find your auto loan account number LAN:
1. Check Your Loan Documents
Every loan provider has a system of documentation to record all the things that occur as they process a particular auto loan application. You will undergo this loan documentation processing when you apply for a car loan to any bank or financial institution.
One of the things they will assign to you when you apply for a car loan is the auto loan account number. Any communication related to this loan application will have this car loan account number indicated therein. So, this is one of the first sources where you can find this number.
2. Call the Bank
One of the easiest ways to find your auto loan account number is to call the bank or the financial institution where you have submitted your auto loan. You can ask their customer care department to find this number for you.
Prepare your ID number or any other personal data they will ask from you. They will verify your identity before giving you the auto loan account number.
3. Check Your Monthly Statement from the Bank
Another way you can find your car loan account number is by checking your bank’s monthly statement. They should have a toll-free number that customers can call for inquiries. Take advantage of this service.
Top Right Section of the Monthly Statements’ First Page
If you have already been paying for your auto loan monthly dues, the monthly statements that the bank is sending you should have that information. You should see the number somewhere on one of the pages of the monthly statements from that bank. Usually, it is written at the top right section of the first page of the monthly statements.
Wells Fargo Monthly Statement
For instance, if you have taken out a car loan from Wells Fargo, you will find your auto LAN in two spots in your monthly statement. The first spot is at the top center of the monthly statement. It is usually marked Account Number. There you will find the 10-digit LAN.
The second spot is on the right side of the statement above the due date or the tear-off payment coupon.
4. Scan Your Credit Report
You can also find your auto loan account number from the credit reports you receive from any RBI registered credit bureaus, such as:
- Equifax,
- Experian,
- CRIF, or
Scrutinize the credit reports that you receive, and you will be able to find the auto loan account number of your particular car loan.
Again, what is an auto loan account number? You can find your auto loan account number on your monthly statement. If you’re having difficulty finding it, call the company’s customer service that finances your car. Or log in to your mobile bank app using your ID and password.
5. Check Your Auto LAN Online
The following method is by logging onto your online banking account or using an online banking app. You can find your auto LAN by checking your loan details or statement. Banks issue the said statement every month to their loan beneficiaries upon request.
6. Send an SMS to Your Loan Provider
You can also find your auto LAN by sending an SMS or a short text message to the bank where you have submitted your car loan. In your SMS, use the ‘LAN’ keyword. If you don’t want to incur any charges for sending the SMS, use the registered mobile number of the bank. Banks usually supply this number to their clients to check the status of their loan applications.
7. Inspect the Welcome Letter
Usually, if a bank or a financial institution has approved your loan and granted your first loan proceeds, you will be issued a welcome letter signifying that your loan is approved. This letter will usually include all the details regarding your auto loan.
The most important things that should be indicated are your monthly amortization and the auto loan account number you will use every time you pay your monthly dues. You need to keep this document to help you remember these things.
8. Visit the Bank
If all else fails, you can always visit the bank where you have applied for the car loan. Be ready with your ID and other relevant documentary proof that you are the person who applied for the auto loan. There should be a bank officer there that can give you your auto loan account number.
Importance of the Auto Loan Account Number

Required When Making Payments and More
Managing your car loan is essential, not only for the bank but all the more for you. And here is where your auto loan account number plays an important role. It is the element you need to use every time you do the following:
- Make payments,
- Cross-check information,
- Update personal information, and
- Seek assistance relating to your car loan.
Bank Asks for the Number as Confirmation
The Bank will ask for this number as confirmation before giving you access to their services. Knowing and remembering this number will also enable you to avoid making mistakes and correct any information you or the bank recorded in your loan documents and transactions.
It is no longer a luxury to own a car but just a routine necessity. Unfortunately, not everybody can afford to buy a car by paying it in cash. Almost always, you need to take out a car loan from the bank or any financial institution to afford a brand new car.
Critical Element That Ties Up Everything Related to the Auto Loan
However, taking out a bank loan entails a lot of documentation. With all the papers needed to process a car loan, something must anchor all these documents systematically.
This is where your auto loan account number comes in. It is a critical element that ties up everything related to your auto loan. Considering that the payment period usually takes around five years, you can imagine how many documents you collect.
If something goes wrong somewhere, and you don’t have anything that will tie up all these documents in just one place, you will have a hell of a time finding the co-relation between all these documents.
Your auto loan account number is the element that unifies all these documents into one. That’s how important your car LAN is. This is also why you should have it in mind or lock it up somewhere where you can easily find it.
Conclusion: Auto Loan Account Number
The usual way to get your auto loan account number is to contact the bank that has accepted your loan application. They should have a customer care department that will give you that information.
Their customer service department will also update you on your loan application status. An alternate way is to visit the bank’s official website and chat with their customer service department. There are other ways to do it, but these two ways are the most common way to do it.